Getting Started

Adding to Your Project

  1. Copy mpu925x-driver directory to your project’s drivers directory.

  2. Add inc directory to your toolchain’s include path.

  3. Add src/mpu925x_core.c, src/mpu925x_settings.c and src/mpu925x_internals.c source files to your project’s build toolchain.

  4. Provide bus handle, bus read, bus write and delay functions depending on your platform (see: porting guide).

  5. Include mpu925x.h header to your desired source files.

  6. [EXTRAS] Extra modules can be compiled with program if any of the extra functionalities needed. Extra modules are located in extras directory.

Simple Usage

Example Code
#include "mpu925x.h"

// Create mpu925x_t struct instance.
mpu925x_t mpu925x = {
        .master_specific = {
                .bus_handle = &my_bus_handle,

                // Bus functions
                .bus_read = my_bus_read_function_pointer,
                .bus_write = my_bus_write_function_pointer,
                .delay_ms = my_delay_function_pointer

        .settings = {
                // Other settings
                .accelerometer_scale = mpu925x_2g,
                .gyroscope_scale = mpu925x_250dps,
                .orientation = mpu925x_z_plus

// Wait till' initializition is complete. Will be in endless loop if sensor
// is unreachable (wiring is not correct, sensor is damaged...).
while (mpu925x_init(&mpu925x, 0));

while (1) {
        // Get sensor data.

        // Use sensor data (e.g. print).
        printf("Acceleration: %f, %f, %f\n"
               "Rotation: %f, %f, %f\n"
               "Magnetic field: %f, %f, %f\n",
               mpu925x.sensor_data.acceleration[0], mpu925x.sensor_data.acceleration[1], mpu925x.sensor_data.acceleration[2],
               mpu925x.sensor_data.rotation[0], mpu925x.sensor_data.rotation[1], mpu925x.sensor_data.rotation[2],
               mpu925x.sensor_data.magnetic_field[0], mpu925x.sensor_data.magnetic_field[1], mpu925x.sensor_data.magnetic_field[2],);

See advanced usage for more functionalities (e.g. hardware offset cancellation, sensor ranges…).